Alisa Sanada

Japanese Texan. Japanese Culture and Food Advocate. Traveling Comedy Otaku.

Chief Operating Officer of Nagomi Visit International, a non-profit organization promoting cultural understanding through home cooking. Responsible for running and expanding Nagomi Visit’s home visit programs where locals in Japan open their homes to connect with travelers over lunch or dinner.

Details can be found here on why I became the COO of Nagomi Visit. More recently trying to improve the current state of food culture and international tourism.

アメリカ合衆国テキサス州出身。学生時代に日本を紹介するサイトReal Japanを立ち上げ、米Wired誌をはじめ多数のメディアに取り上げられる。ワシントン州の大学卒業後、約8年にわたり日本のWEB制作会社にて、多言語サイト制作とマーケティング業務に携わる。退社後、TwitterやCouch SurfingなどSNS(ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス)の可能性を探る5大陸・58カ国1年間の旅へ旅立ち、帰国後ウェブと食に対する大きなパッションから、NAGOMI VISITの運営に副理事として参画。

詳しくはHuffington Postの記事「世界中の人たちに”Real Japan”を伝えたい」。

Interview on BBC World News The Travel Show as COO of Nagomi Visit

BBC World News   The Travel Show 2

Interview on Japanese network television as COO of Nagomi Visit


Former full-time traveler. Been to over 70 countries. Use both high and low tech methods from social media to hitchhiking to enhance travel with homestays, culinary events, volunteer opportunities, and more.

Over 9 years of experience helping Japanese companies build and promote multilingual websites.

Currently specialize in food and travel such as consulting for developing multilingual websites targeting potential tourists coming to Japan, interpretation, translation, and PR work for bilingual food events promoting local Japanese cuisine

Also provide research assistance for Japanese television networks and diversity research in Japan.

Wishes she can think logically like Ezra Klein with the patience of Janet Mock with the whimsy of Stephen Colbert.

Video explaining my passion behind Nagomi Visit